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1.National Scholarship:
This scheme is sponsored by Govt. of India & administered by the Director, Higher Education, Orissa. Scholarships are awarded on the result of Annual H.S.C. and Annual C.H.S.E. Examinations every year to the top meritorious candidates securing 60% or above marks.
2.National Scholarship for Children of Primary & Secondary School Teachers:
This Scheme is sponsored by Government of India and administered by the Director of Higher Education, Orissa. This Scholarship is awarded to the children of school teachers securing 60% or above marks in the Annual H.S.C. Examination or C.H.S.E. Examination in order of merit.

3.National Loan Scholarship:
The scheme is sponsored by the Government of India and administered by the Director of Higher Education, Orissa. Application for this scholarship can be made by the students of +2 course and 1st Year of +3 course who have passed the last final examination with at least 50% of marks in aggregate and the income of whose parents including their own does not exceed Rs.6,000/ - per annum. Candidates in full time employment are not eligible for this scholarship. The value of this scholarship is Rs.720.00 per year for undergraduate courses. The scholarship is renewed from year to year till the completion of the course subject to satisfactory progress and good conduct.

4.Senior College Merit Scholarships & merit cum means scholarship:
These are awarded on the result of Higher Secondary +2 examinations for a period of three years at the rate of Rs.50/- per month. These scholarships are open to students of Arts, Science, Commerce classes and are awarded on provincial basis in consideration of merit alone. 5.Junior College Merit Scholarship & merit cum means scholarship:
These are awarded on the result of High School Certificate Examination for a period of two years’ at the rate of Rs.40/- per month. These are awarded on provincial basis on merit alone. These are distributed District wise from Govt.

6.Post-Matric Scholarships to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes for Studies:
There is a scheme of Post-Matric Scholarship to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students so as to enable them to complete their education.

7.Stipend for the Children of Freedom Fighters:

Benefits of this scheme are admissible to children of freedom fighter/bonafide refugee from Pakistan, permanent resident in the state of Orissa. Grand children through predeceased sons are also eligible to apply in these cases. A certificate from the head of the Institution that the name of adopted father has been recognized and entered in the admission register should be submitted with their application duly filled in. Form ‘A’ along with a certificate in form ‘B’ certificate by M.P7M.L.A./District Magistrate. The prescribed application form can be had from the office of the Director, Higher Education, Orissa, Bhubaneswar.

8.Stipend for physically handicapped students:
Stipends under the scheme are awarded to the blind, deaf, orthopaedically handicapped students. Applications in the prescribed form obtained from the office of the Collector, Puri, are to be submitted by the students under the category.

9.Educational concession to children of Army personnel and Ex-service personnel:
The concession is meant for the children and dependants of ex-service personnel belonging to O.M.P. Jawans who are in active service. Such students will be awarded book grant and exemption of tuition fees./n .

10.Help from Students' Aid Fund:
There is a Students’ Aid Fund with the object of rendering financial assistance to deserving students to meet their examination fee expenses, expenses on books, medical expenses etc. if their needs are considered genuine. No scholarship, stipend, loan, prize, reward etc. will be given from this fund.

11.Students possessing highest marks in the Council Examination of +2 Arts/Sc./Com. streams shall be awarded cash prizes of Rs.200/-each.

12.Students possessing highest marks in +3 Arts/Sc./ Com. shall be awarded cash prizes of Rs.300/- each and the university toppers will be awarded Rs.400/- each./n .
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