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Rules & Regulations
1.Address :
Every Student must register in the college office the address at which he lives. Any subsequent change of address must be intimated to the office in writing immediately.
2.Leave :
All the Teaching staff who wish to obtain leave of absence from the college must apply for that leave before they actually absent themselves. In special cases such as illness where it is not possible to obtain leave in absence, an application for grant of leave should be sent by post or submitted immediately upon return if the period of absence is short. Both casual leave & E.L are allowed to the employees according to Govt. Norms and conditions.
3.Discipline :
a.Spitting on the walls, floors, pillars or doors of the college and smoking within college premises are strictly prohibited.
b. Students are forbidden to loiter in the verandah. When they have no classes to attend they should remain in the common room and should not stand at the gates.
c. Students are warned not to handle bicycles or other vehicles which are not their own property. Cycles must be padlocked and kept in the place proposed to keep in.
d. Misbehaviour of college students at football or hockey or other matches will be regarded as a breach of college discipline.
e. Students are forbidden to leave the hall or room in the midest of any of the college meetings.
f. Students should invariably stand in queue while waiting near the office for depositing tution fees or for any purpose.
g. Scribing, pasting placards, posters and other papers or otherwise disfiguring college walls, floors, pillars and doors are strictly prohibited.
h. Students are advised to meet the Principal and other members of the staff only during the prescribed hours of interview.
i. All written applications should be deposited in college office. Only in urgent cases, students may meet the Principal for necessary clarification and orders.
j. Students should not ordinarily enter the college office, staff common room or Principal's room without prior permission.
k. Students are advised to meet the concerned Heads of Departments in the matters relating to Honours and other departmental affairs.
l. Students should take their seats in the respective classes before a teacher enters into the class room and should not leave seats during the lecture.
m. No club or association should be formed in the college without the approval of the Principal.
n. Students should bring the identity cards with them when they come to the college. Duplicate identity cards will be issued only in special cases on payment of Rs. 10/-. Identity cards should be kept carefully as valuable documents.

Attendance :
Each student is required to attend in each subject a minimum of 75% of lectures, practical’s calculated separately, in order to be eligible for promotion to the next higher class or for being sent up for the University examination. The Syndicate may, however condone the deficiency of attendance to the extent of 15% only in exceptional cases. Students are advised to bear this fact in mind and not to absent themselves from college classes, otherwise they are liable to be detained irrespective of their performance in the examinations. The Syndicate may also grant condo nation to a further extent of 5% in cases of those who are deputed by the Government or the University for any purpose. The same rule is applicable for +2 Classes also.
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